Beloved Chains

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My Beloved Chains
Written by
Jonathan Snyder
Art By
Laura Mondragon
Official Site


Henry Patton was just some human on Earth working at a Pizza joint trying to figure out what to do with his life. He did not realize that actions would lead him to be the first human to be in charge of a Xaltean manor. Come join Henry as he tries to find out how to survive an alien culture that is completely different than his own!

Main Characters

Character Culture
Maevin Maer Xaltean
Henry Patton Human


Issue 1: A New Home

Henry Patton was just some human on Earth working at a Pizza joint trying to figure out what to do with his life. He did not realize that actions would lead him to be the first human to be in charge of a Xaltean manor. Now, he has been escorted to the planet Victory within the Xaltean Empire to take leadership of Blue Blossom Estate. There is a lot he was not expecting!

Issue 2: The Visitor

Henry Patton has taken a few days to adjust to the life at Blue Blossoms Estate, no matter how difficult trying to adjust to the Xaltean society is. The problem is, not everyone wants him there and there might be something else more nefarious afoot.

Issue 3: Secret in the Mines

Ruins have been discovered on the planet Victory and Henry gets to go explore! Life continues to be a major change for the poor human stuck as a Lord in the Xaltean Empire. But there is something strange about the ruins and there might be more down there than anyone expected.

Issue 4: House of Nevakev

A banquet is upon Henry Patton but there is much more going on than he realizes. An major House opposing him will be present plus an unexpected guest.